A festival and its history
- Christmas ? A festival and its history
- Christmas in early Christianity
- How the Reformation changed Christmas traditions
- Who actually is St. Nicholas?
- Wise men, magicians, astronomers: the three kings
- The star of Bethlehem
Everything but Christianity
- A lateral look: The child in the manger who had more than one father
- God Jul! Pagan customs and their history
- The Raunächte
- Christmas in the Koran
- Yalda: The Iranian festival of the longest night
- Rituals surrounding the Druidic midsummer festival Alban Arthan
- Christmas dinner through the centuries
- Ohhh Christmas tree
- History and traditions of nativity scenes and nativity plays
- Christmas customs worldwide
- Christmas markets
- Christmas book box
and much more.
Sabine Wolf, Karfunkel Verlag, Marienhöhe 1, 74706 Osterburken, Deutschland, URL: www.karfunkel-shop.de
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